If anyone has been following my blogs they would know that I am not a big fan of using social media to blast out about my book. Sure, I post about any giveaways or discounts on my titles but in general I don't like to spam my twitter or FB followers with posts like "Buy My Book!". I've written about it here. And I've written about keeping up with social media here.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of social media and have met many colleagues and supporters due to my presence on social media. It's just that I was never convinced it would sell my books. I figured word of mouth was the best way, that and good writing.
Then I had a book signing event at The Bookstore Plus in Lake Placid over the weekend and a woman showed up who told me she heard about my book from a friend who recommended it on Facebook. Yes, that's right. I was recommended on Facebook! It blew away all of my theories that I, who have belonged to a book club for over 15 years, have never gotten a book recommended to me via social media. Then I had to think back.
I remember seeing a post on Twitter from a follower who said her book club was reading Valley of the Dolls. It is a familiar title to me but to be honest, I would never think to read it nor would I have remembered if she hadn't posted about loving it. I put it on my to-read list on Goodreads. I thought about Goodreads and how often I have used their giveaways to find more readers. I also love that when you open it up you immediately see what some of your friends are reading or recommending.
And then there is one of my biggest supporters who took the picture above: Dean Karaynis of History Author Show. He has posted about my book vigorously to his twitter feed. Finally, I am now networked with Women Writers blog site and appreciate the traffic they are bringing to my website on my current novel.
I'm not so down on this social media thing anymore. But I still don't plan to blast out Buy My Books. Just positive reviews. :)