Dear RSS Feed Readers: Thanks for following me even if I don’t know who you are. RSS (Real Simple Syndication) alerts subscribers when there are updates to a favorite website or blog (note the RSS Feed button to the right of this page if you want to subscribe). Although I have a robust email list, the subscribers to the RSS feed on my blog page remain a mystery to me but I don't mind. I like when I post a new blog and lo and behold get thousands of hits to my webpage. But, dear RSS Feed Readers, you may be wondering why my updates are not popping into your feeds lately. So I thought I’d explain. I’m busy writing my third book in the trilogy on the Durant Family, and I’m assuming that’s why you’re following me: to find out what I’ve learned in my research and how my work is progressing. Well, I can definitively tell you, slowly. I’m still researching, still discovering new material, but I’m not ready to reveal all of it, yet. As for my writing schedule, I decided to slow it all down. I cranked out the first two books in the trilogy over the course of three years. To do this I had to spend every day during the summer months and during my scheduled academic breaks writing. Although I didn’t mind the grueling schedule I never had time for friends or family. And last summer was just too gorgeous to not be outside! So instead of writing every day, I swam in the lake, read good and bad books, and traveled to the Adirondacks to speak about my work to over 100 people at various events. It was fun. I have also learned that slowing down the pace of writing has allowed me to dwell more in the heads of my characters. The third book in this trilogy starts in 1931 when William and Ella are in their late 70s. They are meeting with people that want to write their biography. For William that person is Harold Hochschild, founder of the Adirondack Museum, and the last biographer to actually invite William to his Adirondack home at Eagle Nest, Blue Mountain, NY and talk to him about his life. For Ella it is Poultney Bigelow, her one-time lover and dear friend. She finds herself at his home on Malden-on-Hudson, NY and they rehash her life story. Interestingly, both Harold’s home and Poultney’s home still stand. I would like to visit these places, have been meaning to visit Poultney’s house and even set up an appointment to do so but had to cancel. As for Harold’s house, well if any of you RSS readers have a connection for me, let me know. I enjoy writing about atmosphere. Dwelling in the minds of my characters over the course of time has also allowed me to consider carefully their reactions to the most traumatic time period in their lives: THE LAWSUIT between brother and sister over the family Adirondack land holdings. I thought I’d let the whole thing breath. As for continuing to blog on this site – well I’ve found other outlets and other things to write about that have nothing to do with the Durants, and I like that as well. So if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been, or why I’m not updating the feed consistently, that is why. Don’t expect the third book to come out in spring 2017. I’ve slowed my pace down. Thank you, RSS Readers, for following my progress. If you decide you'd like to join my email list, you can subscribe right here. As you might imagine, I don't clog up people's inbox with my updates. |
AuthorSheila Myers Professor at Cayuga Community College in Upstate New York. Follow me on Facebook or Twitter!