For the past several months, while interacting with my editor, we've been referring to it as 'The ADK Story'. Which, for people that live in and around Upstate NY and are familiar with the bumper stickers that abbreviate the names of places here, would make sense. ADK is an abbreviation for Adirondacks. But this is a terrible title for the rest of the potential reading audience, and it's not exactly a hook.
I need a title for this story about William West Durant; one that can be used for the series as I'm still only part-way through his life at 86,000 words and planning on another book already.
Therefore I'm reaching out to anyone that is reading my blogs to help me with this dilemma. Do you have any ideas for me?
For those of you that are too shy to leave a comment with your ideas, you can email me at [email protected]. I can't promise you I'll use the title you provide, but it may be with enough input I can cobble together a good one.