I could keep writing. I'm only at page 258. But this little voice inside is telling me this is it. I've done enough. If I try to add to it I will just muck it up somehow. And besides, I want to end it on a high note. No one likes a bummer of an ending where you just want to throw the book out the window and say thanks for ruining my day.
And there is another story galloping around in my head looking for a starting gate and it has nothing to do with the Durant Family. This one is about a smuggler named Tripp Brookfield. He keeps popping into my head at random times and making his presence known. Characters can be finicky and jealous of each other. Maybe I should give the Durants a break and write Tripp's story before he gives up on me.
Yes book two. You're done. I'm sure I can do better with what I've written so far, but I'm ending you right where you are. The reader will have to wait for book three to find out what happens to Ella and William Durant, their love lives and family fortune.
Besides, I have more research to do. I have a librarian searching for Dr. Durant's last will and testament. And everyone thought he never had one...........
Amendment added 1/3/16: There is no will to be found and I went back and added a whole chapter about the nursing profession in England in the 1890s. So it really wasn't over.